Kevin Costner premiered his long-awaited film “Horizon: An American Saga” at the Cannes Film Festival after investing decades of dreams and hard work. The film, financed by mortgaging his home, received a standing ovation lasting over 10 minutes. Costner, moved to tears, thanked the audience, saying, “Such a good moment, not just for me, but for the actors that came with me, for people who believed in me who continued to work.
He emphasized his gratitude, saying, “I think movies aren’t about their opening weekends. They’re about their lifespan and how many times you’re willing to share them.” Despite being his fourth directorial venture, following acclaimed films like “Dances With Wolves,” Costner expressed feeling “lucky” and “blessed.”
Costner’s passion for American history shines through “Horizon,” which premieres in two chapters, reflecting his enduring fascination with the Wild West. He explained, “‘Horizon’ is incredibly meaningful to me. It’s really been the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it’s exactly what I want to do.”